Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blue Gold Scrimmage Photo Recap

These photos were taken on Saturday at the Blue Gold Scrimmage. Special thanks to Matt Stewart for letting me use his awesome camera.

Don't forget, the 4-way scrimmage is going to be on Friday at Memorial Stadium and it's a triple-header!! The Frosh start at 3:30, followed by the JV then the Varsity.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Blue Gold Scrimmage

The annual Blue-Gold Scrimmage is on Saturday beginning at 9am. This is the first peek at the 2006-2007 Indians squad so come out and see what's going on!

Players, Coach Mott will be having a BBQ at his home following the scrimmage. I have $5.00 that says someone will end up in the pool, NOT of their own choosing.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Important Dates!

Grab your pen and pencil as I have some very hot-off-the-presses dates to jot down and one of these dates includes Blue-Gold Scrimmage info...

PLAYERS: This is official word from Coach Mott--
Monday, August 14- You are in helmets!
Thursday, August 17- Practice begins at 2pm in FULL GEAR
Saturday, August 19- MANDATORY practice.

Saturday, August 26- The annual Blue-Gold Scrimmage will be held at 10am on Saturday, August 26. Word on the street is that there is a BBQ to follow. More on that later.

Now let's talk Gold Cards. First of all, amazing job selling, guys! You almost DOUBLED last year's total and raised $11,000 for the football program this year! I'm sure there will be prizes involved so check back for the latest.

More to come, we're just gettin' started....

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Attention Football Parents!

Each season the Athletic Booster club divides the football game concession duties between all the NHS Athletic programs. So each sport gets a game to work the booths and the assigned football team date is October 13. We are looking for 20 volunteers between 4:45-7:15 to man BOTH concession booths. We need volunteers over the age of 18 please! Please keep in mind that this is during the JV game, so you will be done in time to watch the Varsity play. Please contact Sheri Steen at or leave her a message at 252-8539.